Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mumbai Metro to the Fore

Mumbai's urban railway network is notoriously clogged with bodies. While around 13 people die every day from accidents, the city strives less-than-wholeheartedly to construct a thorough metro system. I wish India's largest urban agglomeration the best of luck in this enterprise, but I am fairly certain that the metro will not be completed for many years. I'll be supremely gladdened when the system finally does take off the ground. For the 6+ million people who grace the rails each waking day, any and every improvement is overdue.

Here are some links that deal with the Mumbai train system and the construction progress. This process surely takes some time!

Death Trains


Mumbai Matters

Two conferences that I attended in Bombay, Urban Age Mumbai and the 5th International Conference of Critical Geography, presented very different approaches to urban development, but both undoubtedly would laud the speedy completion of the planned Mumbai metro. While neoliberal development advocates might be more at peace with the rapid influx of motor vehicles, the automobile's pathways cannot keep pace with the increase in car ownership. The public infrastructure of Mumbai just cannot meet the demands of the demographic increases that will not cease at any point in the near future.

There is no practical way of capping the density of Mumbai, but this should not discourage critical investments in infrastructure. It's just that the burden on any new infrastructure quickly wears away at the newness. There's no end in sight to the population explosion in 3rd World cities such as Mumbai. We can merely hope and beg for more expedient development of public transport so that the morass of motoring metal, bodies, and fumes does not spontaneously combust...


Anonymous said...

Hi I like the name Mumbai's Monorail. But I am a hard core mumbaikar. I would rather call the project "Dhoomorail". I would find the word "Dhoomorail" more suitable and by implimenting the name "Dhoomorail" more youngers will have joy to go to work and return daily. Please demolish all the skywalks cuz no one uses it. All these years mumbai has been so conjusted and this will help to sustain the flow of traffic. Guys get a little innovative with your thoughts in the 22 century. Why simply copy the name Monorail?

Anonymous said...

Hi I like the name Mumbai's Monorail. But I am a hard core mumbaikar. I would rather call the project "Dhoomorail". I would find the word "Dhoomorail" more suitable and by implimenting the name "Dhoomorail" more youngers will have joy to go to work and return daily. Please demolish all the skywalks cuz no one uses it. All these years mumbai has been so conjusted and this will help to sustain the flow of traffic. Guys get a little innovative with your thoughts in the 22 century. Why simply copy the name Monorail?

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